the blog

JANUARY 1, 2019 / CATALINAWELLNESS It’s January Whole30 time! You’ve got your meal plan ready, your kitchen is stocked, and you are stoked to figure out what kinds of non-scale victories are on the horizon. As a veteran of the program, I have a few tips for you to make this the most successful Whole30 yet! 1. […]


March 5, 2019

7 Secrets from a Whole30 Veteran

DECEMBER 28, 2018 / CATALINAWELLNESS So you want to do a January Whole30. You’ve read up on the rules and recommendations on You have your first week of planning complete. Your scale is hiding away in your garage. You’re technically ready, but something’s missing. Maybe you’re a Whole30 Rookie. Maybe you’ve attempted one before, but crashed and […]


March 5, 2019

My Top 5 Tips for Preparing for a Whole30

DECEMBER 21, 2018 / CATALINAWELLNESS Last December, I set an intention to be more patient. I knew that we’d be trying to get pregnant, I knew that I wanted to start looking into nurse coaching, and I knew that I have a big problem with living a step or two ahead. I’d need plenty of patience to […]


March 5, 2019

Set an Intention (Not a Resolution) for the New Year

DECEMBER 18, 2018 / CATALINAWELLNESS I have a confession to make. I’m a basic Millennial (Or Xennial? Don’t care.) and I have a phone problem. Social media to be specific. Social media has its benefits, for sure. I find joy in community, love to keep up with my friends who live in far away places, and can […]


March 5, 2019

How to Plan a Social Media Detox

DECEMBER 14, 2018 / CATALINAWELLNESS Allow me to tell you my story: Four years ago, I was burned out with bedside nursing. I am amazed by all my bedside nurses out there who have this on lock down. It is a hard job. After six years of feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted from the pain and […]


March 5, 2019

My Nurse Coach Journey

DECEMBER 11, 2018 / CATALINAWELLNESS Alcohol is a touchy subject. It’s one wrought with history and emotion for me. I know that it is the same for many, many people and one that effects the health of all of us, particularly around the holidays. For this very reason, it is an important subject for us to discuss. […]


March 5, 2019

10 Questions to Ask Before Your Next Drink

DECEMBER 7, 2018 / CATALINAWELLNESS Eight weeks ago today, I gave birth to our second daughter. She is beautiful and healthy and I could not be more grateful. My experience this time around has been so different from my first, reminding me how difficult it can be as a new mom. Your body is healing from trauma, […]


March 5, 2019

My Unsolicited Postpartum Self Care Guide

DECEMBER 4, 2018 / CATALINAWELLNESS It is so easy during the holidays to think excessively of other people. We’re buying gifts, visiting family, going to parties- it’s basically an introvert’s nightmare (ha, I’m kidding, I love people). It can be so easy to become wrapped up in expectations. I asked you a few weeks ago what’s been […]


March 5, 2019

Journaling Exercise: Boundary Setting

NOVEMBER 30, 2018 / CATALINAWELLNESS The holidays make mindful eating very difficult for me. Somewhere between Halloween and New Years, my Sugar Dragon gets Grinch-level horrible. I get tired and stressed about all the shopping I need to do, usually get a deep zit or two that comes to stay on my cheek for the next month, […]


March 5, 2019

How to Get Out of the Shame Cycle and Enjoy Your Food

NOVEMBER 28, 2018 / CATALINAWELLNESS As a cardiothoracic intensive care nurse, I am super aware of how important breathing is to life. Hello, Captain Obvious. But, how often do you catch yourself holding your breath when you’re in pain or under stress? Why is it that our response to discomfort is to stop doing the very thing […]


March 5, 2019

My 4 Favorite Breathing Exercises to Combat Stress