Carrying the Mental Load Wasn’t Working for Me. Here’s What We Did About it.


  1. Alex Kosmider says:

    Hi, Lindsay! What fantastic advice, and I love the idea of dividing the chores down the middle by each picking a task. Also being okay with imperfection, which, holy crap, the perfectionism struggle!

    My husband and I are planning to see a therapist because I’m seriously struggling with the demands of running the home myself 80-90% of the time. Granted, I don’t really work outside the home currently, but I don’t think it was much different when we were both working full time. Plus, I would love to work outside the home (or even from home) once Cheyenne starts school in August, but I don’t know if our family unit can handle me going to work. However, I know both of us have a lot of room to improve our communication skills (and for me specifically, assertive communication.)

    I am happy to hear that you and Tim are figuring out the tango of working parenthood. I may PM you to ask for advice on some trickier aspects of my situation that I haven’t figured out how to cope with yet.

    • admin says:

      Hey Alex, thanks so much for the amazing comment. Yes, this is so hard. I think it’s incredibly difficult for women to share those caregiving responsibilities, especially when we don’t hold jobs outside of the home. I know that I certainly struggle with this, even though I WORK from home. I’m so glad that you are getting therapy for it and I hope that it helps you both get to a place of better communication. You’re more than welcome to email or PM me any time. <3

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